Soooo time flies when you are having fun. We had 3,5 weeks off from work and now my first working day is behind me already again. When you are off the days are even going faster I believe.. but think everyone has that same feeling.
Our holiday was great. We went to Austria and that was awesome. The first 1,5 weeks the weather was really nice and sunny, so we spent a lot of time outside. And that was really lovely because back home it rained during that time. So we were glad to be there. Did some relaxing, went to a show with predatory birds .. and than was really awesome.

We also went on a boattrip on the Wörtersee. Fabian really wished for that so we did it. It was a very long trip but he was happy afterwards. So than it is fine.
The last week the weather wasn't that great. We had two days of rain and it was very cold. Only 15 degrees Celcius. So really not warm. We even had to wear sweaters. And that is not what you want when you go on holiday. Than on Monday before we went home Fabian hurt himself and has a tear in his bone of his foot. So he has a cast now around his leg. Tommorrow we will go to the hospital here and hope he may walk again. That would be so nice. He is real heavy to carry.

And ofcourse I did some scrapping when I was on holiday. It is just so relaxing.. hahaha
Made a sketch of Creative Scrappers.. this one :

And this is what I made of it :

One other nice thing to mention. Before we went on holiday I went to Scrapbooking Stuttgart where Felicitas was giving a workshop and we got to meet. It was soo nice to meet her in real life.. although it was very short. I think we got along and it would be nice to meet her again when I am there again.