woensdag 18 juli 2012
Mojo far gone
I don't know what it is.. but my mojo is really far gone... did some project life pages.. but still have to make photo's of it.
Furter.. really.. nothing gets me inspired.. or better said.. love watching what beautifull everybody makes...really want to do something than.. and than you already guess.. nothing is coming out of my fingers ...:(
So.. sitting in my room.. doing some cleaning and moving.. and that is all there is. Fabian really wanted to do some scrappin... and made two layouts for a friend of us.. they are ok. Bur for myself.. nope.. nothing.
Still have something to show.. it has been a while since I made that one.. but did not show it yet.
Hope I get some mojo again because I would love to create something nice again.
Yesterday Fabian and I went to the cinema. Has has his summerholiday and since the weather is really bad here we went there and watched Madagascar 3. It was such a fun movie. And we had a great afternoon together !
maandag 11 juni 2012
Getting in the mood again
Lately my scrapmood has been down a bit.. don't know why... wanted to scrap.. but somehow I just could not get anything out of my hands.
Real bummer.. sitting behind the table.. and nothing getting down something nice. So I went blogsurfin' and blogsurfin'.... seeing the most beautifull stuff coming by.. and still nothing came out of my hands.
This weekend I sat down.. and finally I could create something again that I liked very much !! My mood is back... I am so happy.. cause I missed it so much !
I got some old pictures of me from my parents. My dad scanned them from dia's. ( don't know the english word for it sorry) So it is so nice to have these piccies of myself when I was little ! And instead of doing boys scrap... I did some nice myself girls scrap ! That was nice for a change also.
Here I am.. riding my bike.. so cute ! ( I know I should not say that about myself.. ...) I love to do that my mum told me.. so now I know where my son got it from ! He loves riding his bike too. He cannot get enough of it. So cute. Got many more of these old pics.. so they will get by every now and than.
Also started catching up with Project life this week. My boys went swimming all day yesterday.. so had a whole day to myself to do some scrappin' and relaxing.. and boy I did. Not that I am very quick in catching up but that does not matter. Liked what I have done so far I must say. I am doing the first full week of April now, so I am really pretty far behind. But I don't want to give up. Just love this project and want to continue. I am writing down everyting and taking piccies. So it will be fine. I am sure of that.
So.. will be back soon with some Project life stuff I guess. See you than !!

vrijdag 8 juni 2012
Time to blog again
Lately I just have been to busy to blog. Still with our kitchen.. every evening someone in our house.. than cleaning the next day.. just came to no scrapping at all.
Project life is far behind.. the first week of April has to be done.. Will try to catch up this week. Don't want to get to far behind. I still enjoy it.. so will continue to try to catch up ! Just don't want to give up on this project I love sooo very much !
Glad I wrote everything down and stil make photos of all nice things that happen ! So catching up won't be that hard !
Still have some things to show.. Made some layouts.. and stil have not shown in on my blog. Wanna be more active over here again also. want to have more time again to do nice things ! That would be great !
This picture of my son is soooo cute.. He was hot.. so he walked around the house without his sweater.. even though it was very cold outside. He stood next to me.. asking is he could take it off. Before I could say anything he stood there like this. Grabbed my camera.. and took this pic. I love watching at it.
There really is nothing much to tell. I am not the most open person on the blog.. I find it hard to share every detail of my life on the www. Love to read everyone's stories.. but find it hard to share mine. I always think my life just is not intresting enough to share. Since I also don't get that many responses on my blog. So maybe some day I can share more.. I don't know. Some I want to.. but have a fear...
May sound strange.. but that is the truth.
So .. .next time maybe more personal stories...
Wanna share a picture of my son's morning routine.. sitting on the couch.. eating his "beschuit" with Nutella... it is the same every morning. This morning I thought.. let's finally make a picture for my project life. It has to be documented.
See you all next time.. who ever reads my blog !

dinsdag 22 mei 2012
Project life week 14
Sometimes life get's in the way of blogging. We are still so busy redoing our kitchen that I hardly find time for myself to scrap or to do project life. Such a shame.. really want to.. but when I sit down it seems I just have to do something.. and than when I am ready.. just wanna sit behind my laptop and do some blog surfin. Seeing all the nice things others make.. and drool over it.. wanting to make something. But than sitting down.. nothing nice comes out of my hands... so.. back to drooling again :)))
Luckily I still have some weeks to show.. although they are from two months back... never mind.. they need to be showed also isn't it... ?!?!?!
Here is my week 14... not the regular week 14.. it is from february.. since I started last year November :)))
Nothing much happened that week.. you have those weeks.. or I just did not make to many pictures.. that can be too ofcourse... don't know.. that was to much back to still know if that was the case for me. I do tend to remember .. but the reason for not so many piccies.. I just blocked out.. :)
This week Fabian had a real nice thing at school. The planted some nice spring plants to watch grow and bloom. He really enjoys such things.. loves the outside and the flowers. so when he came home and told me he was sooo proud that he did it all by him self. Unfortunately the flowers came to us when there was noo bloom at all.. That happened all at school. But we put them in our garden and will enjoy them next spring. Also very nice.. they come back every spring.. so no loss here.
The project supermarket was also still at school.. so we collected empty packages like crazy so he could take them to school for their own little supermarket. It was full pretty quick.. because all the kids really loved it..
Walking to school..we only have a 5 minute walk to school.. this time.. I brought my phone with me to take some pictures from the walk through school. It had to be captured how he always walks in front of me.. getting to school first ! He is just so crazy.. he loves to go to school.. and cannot wait till he learns to read and write next schoolyear ! ( hope it stays that way )
Then we went out to dinner on a sunday night.. and he always eats french fries.. we went greek.. and he really does not like that.. but the fries.. are always good !! He did some silly thing with them. normally he is not allowed to do that.. but this one time.. he could.. funny little guy it is. ..
dinsdag 8 mei 2012
Project Life Tuesday week 13
Tuesday.. project life day !
I missed last week. Was so busy with our new kitchen.. it was placed and had to do soo many things for that. I just did not have the time to blog. Now I am back.. showing my week 13. I am almost catched up. That is really nice.. but it does not bother me that I am behind. Still loving it every day ! It is so nice.. and love to see our every week !
Here is the spread for the end of febraury. I am soo behind in showing.. maybe I will catch up some day.. but I really like it that I can show something every week with you. Looove looking at every one elses project life's ! It was a very nice week.. like every week.. Never thought I love my life in pictures that much ! Realizing we do so much every week is so nice. Just enjoying every little detail.
The first signs of spring were in our garden this week. That made me so happy. Just looove spring.. the most beautifull time of year. When the leaves start growing. The flowers start showing again... just cannot get enough of it.
Love the spring.. so the flower are in my project life. Just so lovely to see everyting bloom in the backyard. Love sneeuwklokjes ( sorry don't know the english name) it is to bad they don't bloom that long. So enjoy the moment. It is so nice that every year we have more of it. Never enough ofcourse !! Tulips were early also.. so the will show up in my project life soon. You can never enough flowers in your project !! :)
There was some relaxing this week.. feet up.. and enjoy the rest. Than we had to take a silly mummy and son picture.. we did it well I guess :)) It is so important to me that I make pictures with Fabian every now and than.. just because we hardly stay on a picture togehter because I am always behind the camera !
We did some movie looking ofcourse Cars 2.. the all time fave here at the moment. Already watched it 200 times.. but he can never can get enough of it.
Since it was holiday time we went to visit my mam and so some scrappin'. That is always very nice. Just like some croptime with my mum.
Jurgen got a not at his job from his manager. Was so important to him that he got it. So it just had to be in project life ! Keeping it for later ! That he knows he does a good job.. so importatn. Than there was eating tomatasoup.. never took piccies of our dinner... but it had to be in it.
Finally that week I got my Becky core kit. I made me soooo happy. Really wanted it.. and now I have it.. feels sooo good !! Use it very often.. it is so nice.
Than there was some sillyness from Fabian with a balloon. He can get so crazy with things like this. Drawing funny faces on balloons and than play with it all afternoon. That is so nice. He can enjoy the very simple things in life. Really like that ! It is so important for kids to have that.
dinsdag 24 april 2012
Project Life Tuesday week 12
Not very much to tell because we are rebuilding our kitchen.. really not much time. But I wanted to share some project life.
Here is the spread with the inlay of the Indiancertificate Fabian got at school. They celebrated the birthday of the teachers all at the same time. And this week it was that day. So costumes on.. and celebrate all morning. Fabian went as a pirate althought the theme was Indian. He really had a blast !!
Here the left page. I love burning candles in the evening.. so that just had to be in my project life. It brings this cozy feeling in the house. Just nice ! So a lot of candles are burning in my house in the winter. This is the week of the 13th of February. Yeah I know..I am behind.. in showing I am very far behind.. making not so far !
This week I also got a set of page protectors for project life and I was expecting my Clementine core kit from Becky.. but that took some longer.
Left side.. more of the celebration at school. I really love the photo of Fabian with a girl from his class. She has a crush on Fabian.. and that looks soo cute ! It gives me a real big smile on my face when I see it.
Than I was scrapping with some girls that weekend. Was sooo very nice. I enjoyed it very much. We had a group picture.. but somehow I could not get it printed.
Sorry ladies.. it is a very short and quick post.. Gonna have to break in the kitchen again. Friday we will have our new one and I will have more time again. Love the read your comments !!
dinsdag 17 april 2012
Project Life week 11
It is Tuesday !! Project life time again.
Last week I had to pass. My dad came in the hospital with heart problems.. so I had a lot on my mind the last two weeks. Today he will be home again. They operated him and he had a triple bypass. Feeling good again ! I am so happy that they could help him and when time goes by it will get better and better.
It was a big shock but luckyly they could help him. Two years ago my dad was very ill and balanced between life and dead.. so we were really scared for some days. Glad it turned out for the best !!
So now to project life. This is the week of 16th of febraury. Really behing in showing.. and a month behind in making. But I really feel no pressure to get it done quicker. Make notes everyday and than I can do it in my own pase.

Here is this weeks spread. Just had to put some inserts in it.. had to little space because of all the winter piccies I made. Winter just is lovely when it has snow and we can do some iceskating. Now that spring is here ( not the tempratures) it seems like so long ago. Well it is two months ago ofcourse :)

This week there was a man to measure our kitchen for the new one we bought. They measure real carefull so that everything will fit in. Fabian was really intrested although he did not see very much ! But it is not so bad to be curious !!
The photo of me is really crazy. Went iceskating with work.. but the wind was so cold that I had to warm my face. Not knowing someone would take a picture of that. But it turned out to be funny !!
The photo of JÜrgen and me is made by Fabian.. really like how it turned out. We hardly ever have piccies of the two of us together. It will be scrapped in an other way too I think !!

A closer look to one of the inserts. At school they have the sunshine of the week every week. This week Fabian was the sunshine. Other kids have to name good things of him..or what they like about him. Than they get this paper to remember. Really nice ofcourse !

This is the other side.. some journaling about the muppets Fabian collected.. the muppet movie we went to and really, really like.. even though I am not a big muppet fan. The movie was great.
And a lot of journaling about I friendship I ended after long time. It was not a nice thing to do.. but the best for me. It turned out I expected and wanted more from this friendship than she did. Could not put that energy in anymore. It has to come from both sites.. and it clearly only came from my side. Really wanted it in here to. Also the Facebook mailing we did.. but that I hided.
So a full and nice week !! At the half of Febraury !
Commented is always nice ofcourse ! :)
Last week I had to pass. My dad came in the hospital with heart problems.. so I had a lot on my mind the last two weeks. Today he will be home again. They operated him and he had a triple bypass. Feeling good again ! I am so happy that they could help him and when time goes by it will get better and better.
It was a big shock but luckyly they could help him. Two years ago my dad was very ill and balanced between life and dead.. so we were really scared for some days. Glad it turned out for the best !!
So now to project life. This is the week of 16th of febraury. Really behing in showing.. and a month behind in making. But I really feel no pressure to get it done quicker. Make notes everyday and than I can do it in my own pase.
Here is this weeks spread. Just had to put some inserts in it.. had to little space because of all the winter piccies I made. Winter just is lovely when it has snow and we can do some iceskating. Now that spring is here ( not the tempratures) it seems like so long ago. Well it is two months ago ofcourse :)
This week there was a man to measure our kitchen for the new one we bought. They measure real carefull so that everything will fit in. Fabian was really intrested although he did not see very much ! But it is not so bad to be curious !!
The photo of me is really crazy. Went iceskating with work.. but the wind was so cold that I had to warm my face. Not knowing someone would take a picture of that. But it turned out to be funny !!
The photo of JÜrgen and me is made by Fabian.. really like how it turned out. We hardly ever have piccies of the two of us together. It will be scrapped in an other way too I think !!
A closer look to one of the inserts. At school they have the sunshine of the week every week. This week Fabian was the sunshine. Other kids have to name good things of him..or what they like about him. Than they get this paper to remember. Really nice ofcourse !
This is the other side.. some journaling about the muppets Fabian collected.. the muppet movie we went to and really, really like.. even though I am not a big muppet fan. The movie was great.
And a lot of journaling about I friendship I ended after long time. It was not a nice thing to do.. but the best for me. It turned out I expected and wanted more from this friendship than she did. Could not put that energy in anymore. It has to come from both sites.. and it clearly only came from my side. Really wanted it in here to. Also the Facebook mailing we did.. but that I hided.
So a full and nice week !! At the half of Febraury !
Commented is always nice ofcourse ! :)
dinsdag 3 april 2012
Project Life week 10
Still running behind but still loving it !

This is the spread I made for the week from 30th of Janaury till 5th of Febraury. We had snow for the first time this year. It came down in one afternoon when I was at work. I took piccies from it coming down in different stages. So nice to see the progress.

Really lovely when winter comes in. I love the snow and the freezing. So a lot of snow pictures this week. But other things happened too.
When my son came home from his swimminglessons had this funny looking hair. You really don't see it very well on the photo but it was so funny. My hubby starting looking what was in the kitchen since we are getting a new one.
In school they had the Indian theme.. so a lot of indian stuff coming home ! And than eating his fave meal .... french fries with a typical dutch snack called frikandel.

Than we had some relaxing.. playing Wii.. some nice blueberry muffins at work.. some playing Lego.. and we lost another tooth ! Little one is getting real big.
This is the spread I made for the week from 30th of Janaury till 5th of Febraury. We had snow for the first time this year. It came down in one afternoon when I was at work. I took piccies from it coming down in different stages. So nice to see the progress.
Really lovely when winter comes in. I love the snow and the freezing. So a lot of snow pictures this week. But other things happened too.
When my son came home from his swimminglessons had this funny looking hair. You really don't see it very well on the photo but it was so funny. My hubby starting looking what was in the kitchen since we are getting a new one.
In school they had the Indian theme.. so a lot of indian stuff coming home ! And than eating his fave meal .... french fries with a typical dutch snack called frikandel.
Than we had some relaxing.. playing Wii.. some nice blueberry muffins at work.. some playing Lego.. and we lost another tooth ! Little one is getting real big.
dinsdag 27 maart 2012
Project life week 9
Still in love with this project.. still behing.. still going strong ! Just love it.. cannot help it. It is so nice to see it all happen under your hands and enjoy what you did every week !
This week we had the first frost.. that was late ofcourse.. had to get used it.. the coldness ! So a lot of stuff happened inside this week. Playing computer.. playiing with grandpa.. cuddling.. just the random week in our house !
Detail of the leftpage.. not much to tell. the pics speak for itself I think !!!
Eating pizza.. with way to many cheese on it. I really changed that because it was way to much !! That is for sure ! Should not do that.. since I want to loose weight.. I really need to change ! SO more salad and veggies for me since than !
Boring week.. but lovely to see that even a boring week can show this result !
maandag 19 maart 2012
Project Life week 8

Still behind.. but still goin' strong. Still not tired of it. Almost there.. and than get to do it weekly.. but if I can post on Monday or Tuesday.. no clue yet. Monday are working days for me.. so don't think will make it than. Well.. we will see. Not to worry about that right now.
This is this weeks spread... just love the paper of MME.. just so full of lovely colours.. it makes me happy to look at.
I did not had to many piccies this week.. but that is not what it is all about. It was all about normal life. Grocery bill from the whole week.. piccie of our refregarator.. full after shopping.. Fabian playing behind the computer.
And he made this cute card.. saying to me it should in his saving pot.. the money he got from my parents.. so I could not forget.. so cute.
Than this week Fabian also got his racingtrack from Carrera.. ofcourse the Cars 2 theme.. he could not live without it. He really adores it.
Than I bought him so new pj's !! He really likes those too.
Than with had the first frost that week. The photo you see is not from me. I got to use it from Marjan who I talk to at a messageboard I read. I found the picutre sooo beautifull that I just had to ask her to use it.
So no real big stories about this week. But it was a lovely week !!!!
maandag 12 maart 2012
Project Life week 7

Another week to share. Love how this week turned out. Really great. Simply love this papers of Authentique. Real good for boys.. and it was his birthday this week.. so even better !! It was just perfect ! Better said.. it was celebrating his b-day at school.. because his real birthday in December.
Here is the complete spread of this week :

Just a lot of happy smiling pictures this week. it was so much fun. The little man enjoyed every minute of it. That is sure !

At his school it is tradtion that the whole class sings for the birthday kid under a flag.. so also for Fabian. It is so cute to see how they all stand there and sing their lungs out ! Very cute ! And the picture with his b-day had makes me smile. He is looking so cute there.
This week he also made some fireworks at school. Nice but a bit late. But he was so proud of it.

This side contains a lot of party pics ! They had such fun at the indoorplayground. We never had been there before.. only little man for another party. He liked it so much that he wanted to celebrate there.. well no problem ofcourse. For us it was boring but they had fun.. that is the most important ofcourse !
Meanwhile.. I am still working.. looking to get up to date with the project life. I am getting there. I am now working on the second week of February.. so getting closer. Really don't mind to be behind. Love doing it. if I am behind or not. When I go throught the album.. I know.. it is really good.. and so nice to see. Never thought our weeks were that full. Always thought they were pretty boring. You learn a lot about your life. Like that very much.
Tommorrow I will be hooking up with Project Life Tuesday at the Mom Creative.. love to see what you all made of it. ... and ofourse.. I like comments !!!
dinsdag 6 maart 2012
Project Life week 6

It is that time of the week again.. Sharing project life !! Still behing.. but still it is ok. Getting there. Today I will work on it again. So have more to share.. maybe I will share another one this week.
Love the idea of sharing on Tuesday ! Just downloaded these great freebies for project life throught One Happy Mama's blog. Really love them !! I am not a buyer online because I bought one set.. and somehow I don't get them printed out the right way. So I am a bit scared of buying some more ! Although I would love too if I just knew I would get them in a printable pdf. That would be perfect for me. NO trouble printing than.
So now sharing my week 6.. the first full week of January.

This is the whole spread of the week. I just wanted some nice blue.. than I found some orange..and just wanted to give it a try. Love how it turns out.
Our son had his Christmas holiday that week.. so lot of silly things. That is always nice. Like it so much having him around.
Now a closer look at my pages...

Just could not resit showing our Christmas village again. It is so lovely. Those light sparkling in the evening.. just nice !
This week Fabian went to the cinema with his grandpa. It was a promise.. so they went togehter. He really liked the film. Sooo cool ! He destroyed the tickets so I searched for a picture of the movie.
Than DH and he searched for a racetrack of Carrera. He really wanted one, but did not have enough money yet. He was dissapointed, but after waching on the internet how much it costs and than knowing how much he had to save to be at his goal everything was allright again.

Later that week my darlings backed some cupcakes for school. It was his birthday and than they give the other kids something yummie for that. Here it is called trakteren.. really don't know the english word for it. Sorry !! Fabian was really excited.
Today he only has to go to school untill eleven.. so... have to check my watch. Don't want to be late...
Off to do some cleaning.. needs to be :((
vrijdag 2 maart 2012
Look what I got......
dinsdag 28 februari 2012
Project Life week 5

Another week of project life finished. Since I am so behind.. I work more on it.. but still love it.. so it is no obligation to do so.
This week is all about Fabian his sixt birthday ! How little man grow. Unbelievable he turned six already. People telling you time flies when your baby are born are sooo right. Never thought it would be that way.. but it really is. Those six years went by like nothing at all.

Here is the spread of this week. Yeah.. lot of birthday stuff. Cake.. things he got.. even an birthday card. He got more.. but this one just suited perfect in the pockets of the protector.. and it is even a very nice one.

The whole family had a holiday this week. So we were at home the three of us. So nice to spent a whole week togehter. And got a lot happened. The day after Christmas we got our new chair. Could pick it up.. so.. picture of it in our livingroom.. happy to finally have it. It sits perfect and it matches the couch.. because there was nothing wrong with that.
We also bought our new kitchen. No picture of it ofcourse because it is customized to our needs. The end of April we will finally have our new kitchen. Saving money for it for quit some time.. so we are thrilled we are finally getting it.

This side is only Fabian's birthday. Playing with the Nintendo he got from us. Building with Lego.. which he adores and cannot get enough of it. The Cars2 cake he really wanted... it was a very nice day.
Will have more to show and ready of my project.. but don't want to have to big loads at once.
Trying to pimp my blog.. so if it looks a bit funny now.. yeah.. you are so right.. but am trying.. and if not.. it does not looks that strange.
See you next time.. please leave a comment.. love that.
vrijdag 24 februari 2012
Project Life week 4

Finally I am here again with an update of project life. It took me some time to get in gear again. And now I some weeks to show but will do that in parts. It would be an overload if I do that in one time. Way to heavy on pictures.
This is my week four.. I started at the end of November.. so I am not on the roll of weeks like others. It is the week short before Christmas. And like anyone else.. we never make many pictures with Christmas. Christmas is sitting down with family.. play a game.. have nice conversations.. and forget to make pictures :))
First .. the show of the two sides together :

I used some Simple Stories paper for this week.. nothing for me.. normally I find these really to dark. Am a bright paper liking girl. So this was a challenge for me. But I think I managed really well working with it.
THis is the first page ...

We were busy writing our christmascards.. late as ever. Fabian also wanted to write some for his friends at school. The class gives eachother cards.. and he decided this year he wanted to give all kids a card. So we bought some cards ( not to expensive) to give out. He really enjoyed writing them.
HE also had to made a drawing for the teacher who was leaving the class to study furter. So busy .. for mom but also for Fabian. I made something for the teacher to remember the kids.. they all had to make a drawing and write some things about theirselves. Made a map to put it in .. so she can remember them all.

This details show my DH making raviolli for the first time with a gift he got for Sinterklaas. He really wanted to try it. Kitchen was a mess.. but it worked out.. and it tasted really nice ! Sure he will do this more often. Will buy the stuff for it this weekend.. than he can make some more yummies !!
It was a nice week ... as almost every week overhere. I cannot complain about my/our life. As for project life.. I really enjoy it !! It is so fun. That I am behind.. it is not a problem. Just love it.
Today I got the Clementine Core kit from Becky Higgins.. and some page protectors Desgin A will be on the way soon. Just looooove the kit ! It is so nice. So will use it in the next weeks. Just be patient to see it.. have more weeks without it to show !
maandag 20 februari 2012
Last sketch :((
So this will be the last post for my time of Creative Scrappers ! So sad the term is over already ! Really love being part of the team. The sketches were so nice.. the girls so lovely and Kristine just is awesome. So please keep followin' the Creative Scrappers blog..sure I will do. And make many more of the sketches !

Here is the sketch from this week. Lovely as ever. And really wanted to do something for winter. Just was perfect for it in my opinion.

These are from the winterholiday my parents made with our little son just before dad got really sick. It has taken me a long time to scrap them because it was so difficult to look at. It remembered me of dad lying there fighting for his life. May sound strange but it true. Sometimes those feelings come up again when I see these pictures. It was a real hard time in my life.. but we all survived it.
Project Life is going good. Still a bit behind.. The beginning of January I am doing right now.. the second week. So .. we are getting somewehere. Have to make pictures of the other weeks but the weather was so dark that I really could not get a good shot of them. Hope I can take some this week.

Here is the sketch from this week. Lovely as ever. And really wanted to do something for winter. Just was perfect for it in my opinion.

These are from the winterholiday my parents made with our little son just before dad got really sick. It has taken me a long time to scrap them because it was so difficult to look at. It remembered me of dad lying there fighting for his life. May sound strange but it true. Sometimes those feelings come up again when I see these pictures. It was a real hard time in my life.. but we all survived it.
Project Life is going good. Still a bit behind.. The beginning of January I am doing right now.. the second week. So .. we are getting somewehere. Have to make pictures of the other weeks but the weather was so dark that I really could not get a good shot of them. Hope I can take some this week.
vrijdag 10 februari 2012
Project Life week 3

Finally I have the time to share week three that I have finished awhile ago. Just did not take the time to take photo's because we had such lovely winter weather overhre. There was snow.. and we could go iceskating. Yeaaahhh.. we are dutch we looove iceskating.
The last week there was a lot going on if we could have anohter Elfstedentocht ! Typical dutch skating tour going through 11 little cities in the north and a length of 200 km. Crazy maybe but a great tradition. But Wednesday the word came out. Not enough growth of the ice that let it happen. All of the Netherlands dissapointed.. the last one was in 1997. So 15 years back. Would have been soo nice if it had happened again.
Now to project life again. Week three was again about christmas preps and so on. Jürgen put our Christmas star outside for the rirst time. It was soo nice to see it light in the evening ! Just lovely.
I keep on changing my style.. since I see sooo many nice stuff on the www of all.. and some things I really like a lot.. want to put more in it.. so will see in the coming weeks if I can do that too.. and still like it.
Side one... Hanging out the star... playing wII before dinner.. swimming lessons from Fabian.. just normal stuff for us in a normal week.
WII playing is reallly hot from time to time. Fabian get to play half an hour till an hour if he wants too. If I don't set this timlimited he would be playiing all day long.. should not be ofcourse. Since we have soo many games.. you really can play all day long. Sometimes in the evening have the feeling to play.. and really could play all night long. Love to play Just Dance.. even when I suck on it.. it does not matter.. it is fun !
The other side has a piccie of my workoffice. Around Christmas all the christmas lights are up and we have tons of wrong decorations. That really is so nice.. everything you don't want to have at home..we put on here. The room is lighted only by Christmaslights. Specially early in the morning it is soo nice to see ! So cozy.. and you get a special feeling when you walk in. Always sad when we take off again.
Jürgen building his christmas village is also in there.. He is really passionate about that.. and it always turns out great. You will probably see a piccie of the finished one also.
Will try to make photo's of week 4 and 5 soon.. since I also got them finished already !
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