Another week of project life finished. Since I am so behind.. I work more on it.. but still love it.. so it is no obligation to do so.
This week is all about Fabian his sixt birthday ! How little man grow. Unbelievable he turned six already. People telling you time flies when your baby are born are sooo right. Never thought it would be that way.. but it really is. Those six years went by like nothing at all.

Here is the spread of this week. Yeah.. lot of birthday stuff. Cake.. things he got.. even an birthday card. He got more.. but this one just suited perfect in the pockets of the protector.. and it is even a very nice one.

The whole family had a holiday this week. So we were at home the three of us. So nice to spent a whole week togehter. And got a lot happened. The day after Christmas we got our new chair. Could pick it up.. so.. picture of it in our livingroom.. happy to finally have it. It sits perfect and it matches the couch.. because there was nothing wrong with that.
We also bought our new kitchen. No picture of it ofcourse because it is customized to our needs. The end of April we will finally have our new kitchen. Saving money for it for quit some time.. so we are thrilled we are finally getting it.

This side is only Fabian's birthday. Playing with the Nintendo he got from us. Building with Lego.. which he adores and cannot get enough of it. The Cars2 cake he really wanted... it was a very nice day.
Will have more to show and ready of my project.. but don't want to have to big loads at once.
Trying to pimp my blog.. so if it looks a bit funny now.. yeah.. you are so right.. but am trying.. and if not.. it does not looks that strange.
See you next time.. please leave a comment.. love that.