Last saturday we went furniture shopping. Normally I really like it.. but since Jürgen is no fan of it.. well you can imagine how it goes than. Hubby walking like crazy through the store, telling me he likes nothing he sees.. and me.. wanting to sit down in some chairs... Still.. we haven't found a new chair for our livingroom. This saturday the shopping story will continue. Hope we will find something real quick !! Something we both will like.
We did buy Fabian a new bed. He still has a "little" bed like 120 cm long.. and it is becoming to short. So I saw this great high bed from him. Jürgen ofcourse had to see it. He liked it also.. so.. we bought. Next week it will be in our home and it can start... building up and breaking down. He is already very thrilled that he will become a new bed. With stairs.. that is the ulimate thing for him.
Of course I have done some scrappin' too. Some I cannot show yet.. but this one I can. The cherry earrings from Fabian and his grandpa. Fooling around those too.

I used a Creative Scrappers sketch for this one.. but don't know which one anymore :(
Have a nice monday !!!