Since I saw the DIY tutorial at the blog of Felicitas.. I just love making my own background every now and than. For this picture I just could not find the right paterned paper.. so I thougt I would make it myself.
Got my glimmermist.. my distressinkt and some acrylpaint.. and just started !!! Took some stamps from the lovely Tim Holtz and got some bubblewrappapper..

This is the result.. I was really messed up afterwards.. but it was sooo fun to do. There probably will follow more.. see that I get some more glimmer since my collection is not that big. I just want to practice more.. and experiment some more.. just love this.
Our bathroom is also almost finished.. just wanted to show you a sneak of it. I am really pleased with the result !!

Cannot take a shower tonight because of the wall that has been placed.. but tommorrow morning I will hit that shower for sure. Looking forward to shower at home again. it will be sooo very nice.
It is has been four weeks that I could hit the shower at home !! Friday it will be finished completely with heating in it. That will be so nice in the winter.. no more cold showers... ohhhhh looking forward to that also !!!