Fabian is playing outside with the neighbourkid ( not my gave kind of kid.. but they same to get along ...)) Real long story why I don't like the kid.. but mostly it is his parents using us as their personal caretakers. And that is something I really don't like all the time !

This layout is made with a picture from a photoshoot that we had. I really like those photos very much and did not use very much of them. So it was time to use them. I got this MME paper and thought it was so right for it. I like the look I created. Got some new Tim Holtz stamps and they are just so gorgoeus. Cannot get enough of them.. but don't want to use them for every layout.. but you will probably see more of them
Lately I have been busy with a configuration box of Tim. With a friend of mine. It really gets nice. As soon as it is finished I will show it ofcourse... but since we only work on it together.. it will take sometime to get ready.. but love it very much till now.