Finally got something to show again. It took me awhile. Not that I did not made something but I just did not made pictures of it.. and had no energy to update my blog. Now I made some.. and are eagger to show them to you.
This one is one of my son when he was on holiday with his grandparents. There was a lot of snow and he really had so much fun. You can see it on his face. He had so much fun. And really had to print this photo right away because I liked it sooo much.

Here another one of my son on his winterholiday. The first time he really saw snow. His was thrilled.

This layout is made with older pictures from our summerholiday in Austria. We were in the hills and there was this little playground he found this zebra but did not know exactly what to do with it. When he finally figured it out he fell down all the time.. so funny to see.

Well this was all to show today. I am getting into my scrapping again.. so hopefully there will be more to show again.