Here is the first one.

These are my two "moppies" what should I do without them. They really are the love of my life. I find this phot soooo sweet. They are never normal on a photo together.. so just love this one.

This photo is made a day before my father went to the hospital and got really, really sick. Long time I just could not look at this picture because it reminded me of everything that happened and was still hapening. Now I can look at it and remember how it was. We will visit this place not long from now. Together with my parents. That will be nice !!

This photo is from a fotoshoot we did with Karin. she really made us such nice pictures. Fabian is on it just the way he is. He loves to sick both tums up and say.. Mama is dit dubbel toppie !! Really don't know the translation. So when he did this I just started laughing.
There is more to show.. but than I would be an incredable long post.. so I will save some for next time.
Not long from now we finally will go away with my parents. We all can use it after all that has happened. We will go to the place where they where before my dad got so ill. Hope it will not be to emotional for all of us. We will see how it goed. I am really looking forward to it.