zondag 12 september 2010

My little tigger

Here he is my little tigger. We were at a party of his school and they could transform.. at first he really did not want to. But than our neighbour came by and had some on her face. That was really intresting and he decide he would like that too. So we went to sit. He wanted to be a tiger. Because that was really dangerous. It was so funny to see. It tikkeled so he made funny faces. Unfortunately I did not have my camera at that place.. so no pictures of that. When he was almost finished he had enough of sitting still all the time. But hey.. he made it. It looked really seet.. but you can see he was very tired.
When we came home he wanted me to get is off. He did not want to wear it in bed. I was so glad that I made photos of it. He looks very, very sweet !!!

Last week there was a great sketch at Creative Scrappers. I just had to make it. I also did last sunday but since the weather was so bad over here. I just couln't make a good picture of it. So today I finally did. This is the sketch :

And this is what I made of it. Photos of a walk from Fabian at school. So cute to see how they all did their best to run as much as they could to collect money.

3 opmerkingen:

Hanneke zei

Wat een schattige tijger!!! Kreeg je het er een beetje fatsoenlijk af??? Rick had dat ook een keer en ik heb me daar toch staan boenen (zelfs met billendoekjes waarvan iedereen zei dat er dan af zou vliegen), bleek hij ook nog eens niet tegen die schmink te kunnen, liep dat kind een week met een hoofd als een tomaat rond, hahaha!!!
Mooie lo weer, zeker een leuke sketch!!!!

Ingeborg Dijkstra- Verbeek zei

Ik vind je Teigetje echt geweldig ... wat een lieverd en mooi gedaan zeg! Je layout is ook mooi!

Hilde zei

Wat een stoer tijgertje!!
Die sketch ga ik opslaan!

Gr hilde

Ps: fijn dat het steeds beter gaat met je vader Mariska